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Friday, December 25, 2009

Bermuda triangle?

hAHa..i always love to read those mysterious n paranormal stories
i dnt know y,i just like it coz i found it interesting..
like those kind of horror movies,
even it was scarry,but i still want to watch it..ahahaha LoL

thIS iS A SHORT dESCRIPTION ABOUt Bermuda triangle..

Bermuda Triangle is a region of the western Atlantic Ocean that has become associated in the popular imagination with mysterious maritime disasters. Also known as the Devil's Triangle, the triangle-shaped area covers about 1,140,000 sq km (about 440,000 sq mi) between the island of Bermuda, the coast of southern Florida, and Puerto Rico.

The sinister reputation of the Bermuda Triangle may be traceable to reports made in the late 15th century by navigator Christopher Columbus concerning the Sargasso Sea, in which floating masses of gulfweed were regarded as uncanny and perilous by early sailors; others date the notoriety of the area to the mid-19th century, when a number of reports were made of unexplained disappearances and mysteriously abandoned ships. The earliest recorded disappearance of a United States vessel in the area occurred in March 1918, when the USS Cyclops vanished.

The incident that consolidated the reputation of the Bermuda Triangle was the disappearance in December 1945 of Flight 19, a training squadron of five U.S. Navy torpedo bombers. The squadron left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, with 14 crewmen and disappeared after radioing a series of distress messages; a seaplane sent in search of the squadron also disappeared. Aircraft that have disappeared in the area since this incident include a DC-3 carrying 27 passengers in 1948 and a C-124 Globemaster with 53 passengers in 1951. Among the ships that have disappeared was the tankership Marine Sulphur Queen, which vanished with 39 men aboard in 1963.

Books, articles, and television broadcasts investigating the Bermuda Triangle emphasize that, in the case of most of the disappearances, the weather was favorable, the disappearances occurred in daylight after a sudden break in radio contact, and the vessels vanished without a trace. However, skeptics point out that many supposed mysteries result from careless or biased consideration of data. For example, some losses attributed to the Bermuda Triangle actually occurred outside the area of the triangle in inclement weather conditions or in darkness, and some can be traced to known mechanical problems or inadequate equipment. In the case of Flight 19, for example, the squadron commander was relatively inexperienced, a compass was faulty, the squadron failed to follow instructions, and the aircraft were operating under conditions of deteriorating weather and visibility and with a low fuel supply. Other proposed explanations for disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle include the action of physical forces unknown to science, a “hole in the sky,” an unusual chemical component in the region's seawater, and abduction by extraterrestrial beings.

Scientific evaluations of the Bermuda Triangle have concluded that the number of disappearances in the region is not abnormal and that most of the disappearances have logical explanations. Paranormal associations with the Bermuda Triangle persist in the public mind, however.


A Friend is ......

someone who is dear to u..

someone that will holds ur hands when u need them..

someone that will wipe ur tears when u cry

someone that share secrets n happy moments with..

someone that u know they will be there for u eventhought the whole world
turn their back to u..

someone that always understand u urself n ur feelings..

someone that will be there forever...

p/s 1:A true friend is not measured by ''the togetherness'',but the thoughts which always remain n near to ur heart....
p/s 2:For my dearest friends n especially for ya SYA n my 'twin' Awe..love u much2..:P

Thursday, December 24, 2009

''Sekelumit rasa itu.....''

Dingin pagi subuh..
bagai memnggil2 makhluk alam menyahut seruanNYA...
azan subuh berkumandang lg....seperti hari2 sudah....
kalimah2 suci itu bagai menusuk ke dasar hati ku...
satu perasaan yg sukar diungkap...

sungguh indah skali tika itu...

mnkinkah mereka menghargai kdatangan setip subuh itu?
mngkinkah mereka mengucap syukur krna masih mampu mlihat dunia ni?
gembira kah mereka?

variasi ragamnya...
mcm2 sifatnya...
pnya berbagai cerita hidup...
yg munkin tiada hujung pangkalnya...
msing2 ada kisah sendiri....

adakalanya hati kcil ku meronta2 ingin tahu...
mengapa mnusia dikurniakan pelbagai perasaan?
apa gunanya ia?
perasaan benci,marah,suka,cinta,iri hati,dengki...
ada rsa yang baik...ada pulak rasa yg buruk..

ku tnya lg,apa gunanya ia?
bknkah perasaan2 itu dimanipulasikan manusia sndiri tnpa disedari...?

haiwan ciptaan tuhan juga pnya perasaan,
perasaan untuk disayangi,menyayangi...
hairan kan?
krana haiwan tiada akal fikiran setaraf manusia..
ttp lbih bijak menggunakn 'perasaan' itu....
lbih menghargai berbanding mnusia....

mmng benar perasaan itu indah....
tp,bukankah perasaan manusia itu sndiri bersifat sementara?
kran sesungguhnya perasaan yg pling suci dan kekal itu
datangnya dri tuhan yg maha agung...
maha pencinta...maha penyayang..

perasaan benci,dengki,irihati,tamak...
yg sukar ku mengerti..
mengapa ia bertandang di hati2 manusia..
tidakkah perasaaan sebegitu membebankan,menyesakkn jiwa..
timbul rasa gundah gulana...

tetapi,jika difikirkan..
tidak plak mnusia mampu hidup tnpa ksemua rasa itu
jika jiwa,hati kosong.....
tidak diisi..
maka mnusia bkn lagi disifatkan sebagai mnusia...

teman2 yg tercinta....
perasaan apa yg kita ada tika ini...
moga2 hati2 kita senantiasa dikurniakan perasaan 2 yg indah,tulus dah ikhlas
dan jga berteraskan DIA yg maha mengetahui...

kurniakan la hati2 manusia dngan perasaan yg diredhaiMU...
termasuk aku yg serba kekurangan ini...

mampukah rasa itu hadir lagi?

A new StARrt...

deArIE lITTle WoRLd,

I HOpE i Could ShAre aLL my THOUGHTS,
StORies ...
EvErY InTeREstiNg mOmENTS wit ya'
*hihi..this is my first time having a blog..dont know y,i juz feel to create it tonight.
well,i guess everything u do should have their first time rite?yeeha....;)