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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stay the same.please.always.

Theme song of the day: STRONG by Le Ann Rimes.

Eventhough we know it'll going to be hard..real hard
just want u to know that..
im still ME.

p/s: hoping that u'll still YOU.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Salam ramdhan bt semua...

aisey..nak jgak bt entry puasa..
sempena bulan yg penuh barakah ni..
marilah kita sama2 mnghayatinye..
sethun sekali je kan,
elok le kite bermaafan dngn smua orng..
kawan2,sosuke,parents n sibs..
maafkn jika ade tersalah n tersilap kata,terguris perasaan,
saya mnusia biasa...ececeh:)